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Partners of Ipso Facto

Find all the proud partners of Ipso Facto below. 


If you or your organisation is interested in working together with Ipso Facto don't hesitate to contact us. We would very much like to discover all possibilities and create a win-win situation. 



SKOV stands for StudieKring OntwikkelingsVraagstukken (Study Circle Development Questions) and is an association affiliated with KLV, the alumni network of the WUR. Ipso Facto and SKOV organise several seminars a year together.


UCAS is the United Community of African Students. They embody African professionals of Wageningen University and Research Center that promote sustainable development in Africa. Ipso Facto shares a part of its office with UCAS and collaborates on a range of activities. 


Green Side uses the full potential of material. They make notebooks from old school paper and envelopes form old posters. They do this in collaboration with social workplaces through the Netherlands. 

Get 10% off with code: IpsoFacto2023


PAX is the largest peace organization in the Netherlands. PAX works to protect civilians against acts of war, to end armed violence and to build inclusive peace. They work in conflict areas worldwide, together with local partners and people who believe that everyone has a right to a dignified life in a peaceful society. 

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